The operationalization of a curriculum: space for union between research and teaching
Mª Bertha Fortoul Ollivier
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Facultad de Educación
Alejandro Francisco Enríquez Torres
Alma Rosa Hernández Mondragón
María Eugenia Reyes Jaramillo
Karina Rodríguez Cortés
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Educational research
curriculum evaluation
educational experience
teacher education
private universities
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The article recaptures an experience lived in the School of Educational Sciences of the University La Salle accomplishing a link between teaching and research: the guiding axis is the implementation of a curriculum, and the research allowed to distinguish the practices experienced in this implementation and how to provide feedback. The theoretical conception that sustains this link is presented in this work, as well as the design of the evaluative research and the conditions that we had to develop in order to achieve it. Among these, the academic conditions stand out as well as some organizational conditions, stressing how teaching is an area that it is often turned into a battlefield by the teachers themselves.
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