Uses of theory in educational research
Rosa Nidia Buenfil Burgos
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educational research
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In the common sense theory opposes to practice. This statement will be discussed, displaying diverse forms of using theory, for example, some academic uses are: naive use: with a good theory we can solve the problems. ritual or normative use: Every thesis has an “introduction, theoretical frame, context, etc.”. theoretical use ‘as a strait-jacket’: Theory establishes concepts to those that the reality should be adjusted”; fatuous or ostentatious use: when the theory appears as a group of highly sophisticated and difficult concepts, in a language that only those initiate can understand and that, generally, it produces an effect of rejection among the speakers; a practical disqualifying use: “Theory focuses the attention to the urgent educational problems”; a methodological disqualifying use: “Research should depict the reality free of preconceptions”; political disqualifying use: “Theory is ideology”. In the above-mentioned discussion some antecedents about the role assigned to theory in Educational research, from diverse institutional frames will be presented and the following statement will be developed: Educational research is production of knowledge inside certain standards of validity accepted by a scientific community. One of these standards alludes to a higher or lesser degree of conceptual, methodological and analytic consistency. The theoretical dimension is then constituent of the production of knowledge.
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