Attrition from the Bachelor's Degree in Teaching at the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
Raul J. Burgos Fajardo
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
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Attrition rate, Bachelor of Teaching, vocational preference.
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Due the high level of desertion in the Bachelor’s degree in Teaching that the School of Education of the UADY imparts, close to 48 %, it became neccesary to carry out an investigation that showed the most probable factors thar determinate the permanence or the abandon of the studies. The objective of this study was to identify the characteristic factors of the deserters as much as the students that will stay. As well as, to compare these factors in order to determinate if the significate difference exists between them. To this purpose we worked with groups, one of deserters (28 ss.) and another of students (26ss.). To request the information we used: a questionnaire and scale of vocational preferences. The results found showed that there no was significative difference between the groups in eleven of the twelve variables sampled in the questionnaire, the only variable of the questionnaire that indicated a significative difference was the motivation of studying. It was found that stronger predictor element, according to this study, was the vocational preference.
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