The effect of inquiry strategy, cognitive style and academic achievement on problem solution in science.
Migdalia Oquendo Cotto
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Antonio Méndez Iglesias
Revista Educación y Ciencia
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cognitive style, academic achievement, inquiry teaching strategy, problem solving.
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This study is investigating if any interactive effect exists between a students cognitive style, his academic application, the teaching method used and the performece of the student in a problem solving test. The investigation has used Puerto-Rican students from 10th grade its subjects during the academic year 1987-1988. The 117 students were selected from 272 students at the 2nd. Academic level (students with average grades of between 3:30 and 80) studying biology. Of the 117 students, 66 participated in the structured investigation test and 55 were part of a control group. The test of Hidden Figures Burmesster Scientific thinking Aspects test and logical reasoning test were used as the measures in this study. The unequal control group. The invalid hypothesis were subjected to a statistic test using and analysis of co-variants of 3 factores at the level of .05. The results obtained suggest that the strategy of structured investigation promotes the development of problem solving skill in students with a global cognitive style.
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