Holistic integration of educational guidance to the COVID-19
Rodolfo Jiménez-León
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Deneb Elí Magaña-Medina
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
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Vocational choice
Educational choice
Educational guidance
Vocational guidance
Educational psychosociology
PDF (Español (España))


The goal of the document is to generate a holistic vision of the educational guidance and vocational guidance, according to the social change of the fourth industrial revolution in the context of covid-19, it is approached from the qualitative paradigm, being systematic, descriptive and explanatory through of three lines of action: 1) the documentary search of the concept of guidance vocational through the ages, 2) the creation of a model of development of interest in disciplines in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, 3) identifies the narratives of two self-directed youth groups with operational clinical assistance. For data analysis, grounded theory and data triangulation are used. In the discussions, the vision is presented from the perspective of the International Association for Educational and Professional Guidance; concludes with the author's position, generating recommendations for future research.
PDF (Español (España))


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