Preliminary study of the relationship between creative self-efficacy and the verbal creativity scale in high school students
José García Páramo
Universidad de Guanajuato
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Creative self-efficacy
Verbal creativity
Verbal creativity scale
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This study with a quantitative approach is about the design of a preliminary scale of verbal creativity to know the degree of self-perception that adolescents have. It was applied to a sample of 262 first and third semester high school students belonging to a public and a private school, between 14 and 16 years old with the support of a creative self-efficacy scale questionnaire, verbal creativity scale and sociodemographic data. No significant differences were found: sex, type of school, artistic participation, etc. There is a correlation between originality and total artistic disciplines. In addition, a correlation was found between originality and creative self-efficacy, it was also found a positive relation between the self-efficiency creativity and verbal creativity, this relation was influenced by sociodemographic variables such as age, gender, educative level and their experience on creative activities.
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